
Executive and Leadership Coaching for Organisations


Do you want tonurture and grow the leadership capability in your organisation?

Do you want to support your leaders to be the most confident and outstanding version of themselves?

Maybe you want to support your leaders to work on their development areas through a coaching program that targets their specific needs?

Do you want a qualified consultant on board that has experience as a corporate business partner, executive coach, holistic career specialist and expertise in people management and culture after many years in the Human Resources field?

Do you want someone that is hands on and practical when it comes to HR advice, leadership and coaching? Someone who can cut through the jargon and tell it like it is?

If any of the above resonates with your organisation, then I would love to hear from you. At Enhanced Potential we offer executive coaching, corporate workshops as well as organisational consulting services. These can be tailored for your organisation’s specific needs.


What coaching can dofor your team

Coaching is a powerful way to develop employees because the development is specific and customised to the individual or team, and progress and development can be measured in a real way compared to a traditional training experience.

My coaching allows a safe and supportive space for individuals and teams to focus and put targeted effort in moving towards their development goals. It helps individuals explore new options, learn more about themselves and others and it is a unique opportunity to be challenged, to reflect and be accountable.

The benefits of employing an external coach:

  • They offer an objective, independent sounding board and I’m someone who listens without an agenda, preconceived idea or an attachment to an outcome.
  • They offer that clarity of distance that helps individuals and teams open up and think and see things from new perspectives that they might not get from an internal coach, manager, mentor or friend.
  • External coaches come with a range of tools and resources that can accelerate success
  • Finally, an external coach will ensure individuals and teams are regularly keeping themselves accountable and ensure progress is acknowledged on a regular basis.
  • 9Create a Towards State
  • 7Facilitate Insight
  • 7Commit to Action
  • 9Follow up to build habits

Executive Coaching

3 or 6 months

This package is ideal for the executive or middle leader to get on track and excel in their career and leadership.

You will have access to my knowledge and experience from 20 years in corporate HR, leadership development and L&D roles globally across many industries, combined with my personal development tools grounded in neuroscience and cognitive social psychology.

My executive coaching package includes

  • 1 x pre coaching questionnaire for you
  • 1 x pre coaching questionnaire for your manager (about you) – optional
  • 1 x 60-minute session to explore your desires, goals and identify key actions to inspire you and take you forward
  • 2, 5 or 9 x 60 minute fortnightly sessions to check in on the progress towards your goals and overcome any barriers you might be facing
  • Unlimited email responses and support from Caron for the period (3 or 6 months)
  • Worksheets and/or activities to continually motivate and inspire
  • Summary report provided at the end of the coaching engagement to highlight progress, goals and your development assessment

Choose from:

3 session package
6 session package
9 session package

$450 + GST per hour

    Let's discuss Executive Coaching

    Corporate Workshops

    Caron delivers highly interactive, virtual and face to face learning experiences that keep individuals engaged throughout the session ensuring they make connections, have insights and engage with the content.

    All education provided will be delivered in a practical and experiential way with real workplace examples.

    Format: Face to face delivery in classroom or at a venue nominated by client, from 1 – 3.5 hours, or

    Virtual interactive delivered via videoconferencing (Zoom, MS Teams) – 90mins


    Workshop topics include


      Stress and Wellbeing
      Emotional Regulation
      Finding Balance
      Building Resilience
      Improving productivity
      Positive psychology


      Career planning
      Career transition/change
      Job search strategies
      Personal Brand


      Discovering your Leadership Style
      Collaborative Relationships
      Dealing with Conflict
      Leader as Coach
      High Performance Teams
      Coping with change
      Building an engaged team
      Inclusive Leadership
      Psychological safety
      Managing hybrid workplaces

      Resilient Teams

      Utilising the R@W Team toolkit, intact teams can assess group practices that promote team resilience. The team toolkit builds on the R@W Individual Scale and incorporates aspects traditionally known as essential for teamwork but also includes elements that are emerging as important team behaviours for today’s challenges.

      Seven components of resilient teams will be covered and all team members will be asked to complete the well validated Resilience@work team questionnaire prior to the workshop. In the workshop the team and team leader will be provided with a comprehensive feedback report on the seven components of team resilience.

      These will be debriefed in the workshop through various team and individual activities, and easily translated into practical actions with an emphasis on leveraging the strengths of the team and focussing on three clear areas including collective actions to increase resilience in the team.

        Let's discuss Corporate Workshops for your organisation

        Organisational Development

        Caron also offers bespoke organisational development and consulting solutions specific to your business needs.

        Does your business need people strategy, frameworks, structure and inspiration to take your organisation to the next level?

        Are you looking for an experienced OD professional that can give you strategic business and people advice but still implement real practical solutions on the ground?

        ​Get in touch to find out more about some of our core consulting offerings below.

        • Cultural audit
        • Employee Value Proposition
        • Understanding and articulating values
        • Performance management frameworks
        • Capability development frameworks
        • Employee engagement surveys
        • Design of Leadership Competency Models
        • Hybrid working strategy and tools
        • HR policies and procedures writing
        • Mentoring programs
        • Talent management
        • Inclusion and diversity strategy and programs
        • Culture change
        • Learning needs analysis
        • Leadership Program design and delivery
        • Wellbeing strategy, programs and seminars

            Let's discuss Organisation Development